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Veal with Tuna-Caper Sauce - Italian Vitello Tonnato - Pressure Pot Recipe

Immagine del redattore: Italy so GoodItaly so Good

vitello tonnato / cyclonebill / CC BY-SA 2.0

Vitello tonnato, or vitel tonnè, is a typical Piedmontese meat dish. It is often served as an appetizer or as a second course. If you are planning a dinner, you can prepare the meat in the morning or the previous round and the sauce even in the evening. It is typically prepared with Piedmontese fassona meat but also other meats are excellent if prepared with this recipe.


800 gr rose veal topside or rump 250 gr mayonnaise 180 gr canned tuna in oil 1 chopped celery stalk 1 chopped carrot 1 chopped onion 3 tablespoons veal stock 2 cups white wine

2 cups water 2 scoops of extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons capers salt and black pepper to taste

Vitello tonnato - Paso 1 / El Noeliarcado / CC BY-SA 2.0

IMG_3315 / Chris Schaer / CC BY-SA 2.0


Cook the meat in a pressure cooker together with the carrot, celery stalk, onion, pepper, salt, oil, wine and water. Cook for 20 minutes from when it goes under pressure (for about 40-50 minutes in the pot). Let the meat cool completely.

Preparation of the sauce. Blend with a mixer the tuna and capers. Add the mayonnaise to the mixture and the sauce is ready. Cut the veal into thin slices and place them on a large serving dish, slightly overlapping. Pour the tuna sauce on the meat and distribute it with the back of a spoon. Garnish the veal with whole capers.

poached vitello tonnato / jules / CC BY 2.0

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